About the Reserve

Khaya Ndlovu Game Reserve (Khaya Ndlovu) is a residential big game reserve with exclusive low density housing conveniently situated two and half kilometres from the town of Hoedspruit, Limpopo. It is approximately 1 300ha in extent with 35 approved fully subscribed sites on the property.

These sites mostly border the Zandspruit River, a beautiful sand river, which meanders through Khaya Ndlovu. Effectively the properties occupy only 200ha with the balance being a wilderness area that is accessed by a well maintained road infrastructure of approximately 45km.

The biodiversity on the farm is extensive with large trees, plentiful birds and excellent animal viewing. The reserve has three major dams, Hippo Dam, Wild Dog Dam and Western Dam, the latter is a seasonal dam. During the summer months many seasonal pans fill with water and become popular watering holes.

Khaya Ndlovu is open to, and a member of, the 5 600ha Rietspruit Game Reserve. The Reserve has Khaya Ndlovu, Bloubank and Leadwood Big Game Estate (Leadwood) as its members. This reserve has lion, leopard, cheetah and black and white rhino, and a small herd of elephant. All of these will at sometime traverse our property. We also have the majority of plains game that frequent the lowveld areas. Khaya Ndlovu does have controlled traverse access to Bloubank but restricted access to Leadwood.

Individual owner privacy is what we pride ourselves in and as such forms the basis behind our decisions on the reserve.

Currently there are 23 completed homes with plans approved for a further home in 2023. There are strictly applied architectural rules that will ensure the maintenance of value of the reserve but sufficiently flexible enough to allow individuality and character to each home.

Khaya Ndlovu is a share block company that not only allows for the improvements attached to that share or the right to improve the share but direct shared ownership in the all of the assets of the company like fencing infrastructure, all common land, animals and improvements to the property with the exception of nominated species. The official name of the company is Welverdiend Property Shareblock Company (WPSBC) which is a limited liability company that adheres to all requirements of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. Official documents are listed on the website.

Khaya Ndlovu Safari Manor

Khaya Ndlovu Safari Manor is a Boutique Hotel on the property that owns a 6ha portion of the reserve, access to the hotel is on the common property. 


External traverse rights over the reserve exist. Members’ privacy is protected by homeowners restricted signs. The traverse rights are controlled and managed by the Welverdiend Management Association (WMA) who pays a monthly levy to WPSBC towards the upkeep of the reserve. A maximum of 158 external traverse rights may be sold; however, no further traverses will be contemplated.

In addition, the Safari Manor has two commercial traverses and when the Leadwood Lodge is built on Leadwood, two further commercial traverses will be granted.